

Kimusubi Aikido Dojo – Villach & Klagenfurt Special terms on 10-sessions ticket

Aikido is a defensive martial art for self-development and self-protection that uses the attacker's energy to redirect it. As this requires little strength, Aikido is suitable for men and women of all ages. Newcomers, crossovers and returnees are welcome at any time.

Mag. Gerhard Treffner (
Dr. Marijan Einspieler (

Kimusubi Aikido Dojos in Villach und Klagenfurt (

Turnsaal VS 13 – St. Magdalen, Dr. Schärf-Straße 18, 9500 Villach // HTL Lastenstrasse, Lastenstraße 1, 9020 Klagenfurt
  • Student*innen - 50 Euro
  • Mitarbeiter*innen - 80 Euro
  • Absolvent*innen - 80 Euro
  • Nicht-FH - 80 Euro
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